Thursday 6 September 2012

Cultural Variety and Characteristic Surabaya

The local culture, traditions and lifestyle are different in each region is a main attraction for tourists to visit. Culture of this area, among others, art, traditional clothing, traditional ceremonies, lifestyles, and beliefs.

Cultural Variety and Characteristic Surabaya

Surabaya is a multi-ethnic city that is culturally rich. Ethnically diverse migrated to Surabaya. Call it ethnic Malay, Chinese, Indian, Arab and European while ethnic archipelago itself among Other Madurese, Sundanese, Batak, Kalimantan, Bali, Sulawesi come and settle, to live together and mingle with the natives form of cultural pluralism which later became the hallmark of the city of Surabaya ,

This is what distinguishes the city of Surabaya to cities in Indonesia. Even the hallmark of this very strongly influenced everyday social life. Attitude socially very egalitarian, open, forthright, critique and criticize an attitude that can be encountered daily. Even traditional arts and distinctive food culture reflects the pluralism of Surabaya.

Culture Surabaya is famous among others Undukan Doro, Music Patrol and Manten Pegon. One of the Surabaya City Government's efforts to preserve the culture of the city of Surabaya with the election of Cak and Ning Surabaya, the cultural ambassador of the city of Surabaya.

Food from Surabaya, which you must try

  • Tahu Tek
The food is typical next Surabaya is out tek. The food is made to know that bebentuk box cut into small pieces and fried. Knew this was served with fried potatoes, sprouts and cucumber diced and long like pickles. This dish is then smeared with a dark sauce made from ulegan peanut paste, garlic and chili. For added pleasure, a dish that is usually consumed this evening is also sprinkled with prawn crackers and fried onions. Known as the seller knows tek carts with bamboo gong which reads tek-tek.
  • Lontong Balap
Surabaya typical food is made from rice cake, tofu and Letho. Cake and him thinly sliced and sprinkled remesan lentho. This dish is then fitted with a large number of bean sprouts are boiled until half cooked and given soup. Soy sauce, chili sauce and fried onions are added to make the food more enjoyable. Typically, the Surabaya consume these foods along with scallop satay. That said, the name of the racing cake arise because once the sellers of mutual berbalap towards Wonokromo transporting large containers to find a buyer.
  • Pecel Semanggi
Type of food typical of East Java is very exciting to eat. Leaf clover made from steamed and then enjoyed the sauce makes the tongue can not stand this selera.Pecel resist material and spices similar to pecel-pecel from other regions, only vegetables using materials of plant leaf clover. Pecel clover usually served with banana leaf containers.
  • Rujak Cingur
Salad is a famous food in many places in Indonesia. However, unlike other salad-salad containing fruit sprinkled with brown sugar sauce, in Surabaya, there are two kinds of salad. Usual types we consume are made from mango, yam, cucumber and pineapple with brown sugar spices, beans and sour known as sweet salad or fruit salad. Meanwhile, in Surabaya itself is no typical salad named salad cingur very famous in East Java.
Cingur or Congor is a Javanese word that means mouth. What is meant is the muzzle of a cow that is boiled and thinly sliced ​​and used as ingredients of this dish. Besides cingur, this salad also includes sliced ​​fruits such as cucumber, young mango, pineapple, and bengkoang added vegetables such as kale, beans, sprouts and tofu, tempeh, and menjes or mendoan. Food is served with a sauce of ulegan peanut sauce, shrimp paste and bananas kluthuk which was served with rice cake and is very suitable as a lunch menu.
  • Sate Kol
Kol is an animal similar to clams, but his life in the fields and larger. Sate cabbage is one of the specialties of Surabaya where some cabbage pierced with a skewer and baked ago dilumeri red seasoning sauce or seasoning. Foods that contain a lot of protein per skewer is usually sold with a starting price of Rp. 2,000 only.

Well, that's some of the culinary Surabaya City that you should hurry when a visit to the second largest city on the island of Java. Typical food Surabaya ready to eat! Culinary Happy hunting!

Art in Surabaya you should know

Artistic life of the city of Surabaya grew well. Traditional art and modern art complement each other to form the diversity of Surabaya. Traditional arts grow as the history of colonialism against the ancient times until today still preserved. Traditional art forms are manifold. There are dance, music and stage arts.
Is very well known that Ludruk is original folk art of East Java. Folk art originating from this Jombang, a mascot Surabaya distinctive culture, especially dancing Ngremo - her. Ludruk has existed since the era of Japan around 1942. And became very popular in Surabaya since the time of the revolution.
Gending Jula-Juli Suroboyo, Tari Remo, Kentrung, Okol, Art Edge, Besutan, Loro ceremony pangkon, Dance and Dance Hadrah Lenggang Suroboyo Jidor.While modern art is also growing rapidly. Some dance studio concentrating on developing a blend of traditional and modern art. However, many groups to develop creative modern dance, for example Marlupi Dance, Gito Maran.
Efforts to realize artistic life developed in Surabaya Arts Council Surabaya (DKS) and associations of theater arts, painting and music. The art exhibition of painting and theater are often held at the Youth Center. While traditional dance performances are always held in the People's Amusement Park (THR) and Taman Budaya. Surabaya Symphony Orchestra (SSO) also took a significant role in encouraging the art of music in Surabaya.

Characteristic Surabaya

Dialect Arekan or more commonly known as Arekan language (Java Language: boso Arekan) or Suroboyoan language is a dialect of Javanese spoken in Surabaya and surrounding areas. This dialect evolved and is used by most people in Surabaya and surrounding areas. Structurally languages, Suroboyoan arguably the most coarse language. Nonetheless, the language with finer levels are still used by some people of Surabaya, as a form of respect for others. However, the use of fine Javanese language (intermediate to manners) among people mostly are not as smooth Surabaya in Central Java, especially Yogyakarta and Surakarta with many everyday words mixing coarser.

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