Monday 16 October 2017

Places of Interest in Sleman Yogyakarta

Places of Interest in Sleman Yogyakarta The Most Crowded to Visit Tourists, Yogyakarta Tour - Sleman is a name of the District entered in the Province of Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY). Maybe among readers are not familiar with Sleman regency. It is very reasonable especially for those of you who come from outside Yogyakarta. So in Yogyakarta province there are 5 districts namely the city of Yogyakarta itself, Sleman, Bantul, Kulon Progo and Gunung Kidul. Citizens from outside the region many who do not know the District in Yogyakarta. They only know the name of Yogyakarta Province. Sleman Regency itself is one of the regencies closest to Yogyakarta City Center. So many people think that a certain area into the city of Yogyakarta, but still within the district of Sleman.

Talk about Tourism in Yogyakarta then can not be separated from various tourist attractions in Sleman District. Sleman District is located in the North of Yogyakarta Province. This northern part there is a very famous Mount of Mount Merapi. So do not expect Beach Tour in Sleman regency because in Sleman there is no beach. Tourism Sleman many who are in the hills on the slopes of Mount Merapi.

Well in this article we will submit 15 Tourist Places in Sleman Yogyakarta The Most Crowded Visitors. Actually there are many tourist attractions in this district Sleman. But in this article we only choose 15 most interesting and already many famous to outside the area of ​​Yogyakarta.

  • Prambanan Temple

Discussion about Places of Interest in Sleman we start with the tourist attractions of the temple of Prambanan Temple. Prambanan Temple is the largest Hindu temple in Indonesia. Prambanan Temple has been recognized as the most beautiful temple in Southeast Asia and has been recognized by UNESCO as a world heritage site. This is evident from the many tourists who came to this tourist location both local tourists and foreign tourists. Tourism area of ​​Sleman in the form of Prambanan Temple is very close to a fairy tale about Loro Jonggrang and Bandung Bondowoso. To the west of Prambanan temple there is a building where Ramayana Ballet is organized. Sendratari is a drama and dance performance that tells about the Ramayana Story. It is not difficult to find this Prambanan Temple because its location is on the edge of Jalan Jogja-Solo. Prambanan Temple Address is located in Karangasem Village, Bokoharjo Subdistrict or about 16 Km from Yogyakarta City. If you visit Prambanan Temple do not forget all visit the Temple of Ratu Boko because of its location close together and there are cheaper packet ticket when visit to second place wisata.

  • Ratu Boko Temple

Tourist attractions in the next Sleman District is still a temple that is Ratu Boko temple. Rtu Boko temple is also often referred to as Boko Temple or Ratu Boko Palace. Ratu Boko temple is an archaeological complex with an area of ​​19 hectares. The location of Ratu Boko Temple is on top of a hill in Dawung Hamlet, Bokoharjo Village, Prambanan Sub-district, Sleman Regency. From the top of Ratu Boko temple you can see the view of Prambanan Temple from the top of the hill. The location of Ratu boko temple is very good if used as photo location. The scenery looks beautiful and looks classic. Ratu Boko temple is also related to the Yogyakarta Roro Jonggrang People's Story. According to the story tesebut Roro Jonggrang is the daughter of the Kingdom of Boko.

  • Kalasan Temple

The list of tourist attractions in Sleman next is Kalasan Temple. Kalasan Temple is a Buddhist Temple located in Kalibening Hamlet, Tirtomartani Village, Kalasan District, Sleman District of Yogyakarta. Because of its location in the village Kalibening Temple is also often known as Kalibening Temple. The existence of Kalasan Temple is also easy to find because it is located on the edge of Jogja-Solo highway, adjacent to Prambanan Temple. Although there are several buildings and grove of trees that block the existence of this Kalasan temple. Information about Kalasan temple is contained in an inscription called Inscription Kalasan. Kalasan inscription written in the year 700 Saka or 778 M.

  • Sambisari Temple

Places Tour in Sleman next is still a temple tour that is Sambisari Temple. Sightseeing Sambisari Temple is one of the Beautiful Temple in Sleman Regency Yogyakarta. Location Sambisari Temple is in the Village Purwomartani, Kalasan District Sleman District Yogyakarta. Location Sambisari temple can be reached from the city of Jogja with a distance of about 12 km. Sambisari Temple Sleman is a Hindu temple where the worship of the god Shiva was estimated to be built during the Mataram Hindu period in the early 9th century by Rakai Garung, a king of the Shiailendra House.

  • Ijo Temple

Tourist attractions in Jogja Ijo Temple is a temple whose location is still adjacent to Candi Boko. Indeed Ijo Temple is not so crowded when compared with Prambanan and Boko Temple, but this Ijo Temple has its own specialties compared to other temples in Yogyakarta. Ijo Temple stands on a hill with the name Gumuk Ijo or Bukit Hijau with a height of 410 mdpl. Therefore, this temple is called Ijo Temple. The existence of this temple Ijo make it as the highest temple located in Yogyakarta. From the top of the hill Ijo Temple you can see a very nice view of the green rice fields that are under it and you can also see the plane is landing at Adi Sucipto Airport Yogyakarta. In Sleman district there are many temples that are found, but in this article we only discuss 5 temple tours in Sleman among which we think the most beautiful. Other temple attractions in 

  • Kaliurang Tour

The next tourist place of Sleman is Kaliurang. Kaliurang is a tourist area in Yogyakarta located on the slopes of Mount Merapi. The cool atmosphere and the scenery of the charming Mountain is one of the attractions of this Kaliurang Tour. Kaliurang tourism area is located in the Village Hargobinangun, District Pakem Sleman Yogyakarta. The height of Kaliurang tourism is about 900 mdpl, so the air temperature in this area is quite cool around 20 - 25 degrees Celsius. Along the way to Kaliurang you can see the beautiful natural atmosphere of the mountains and cool. There are some interesting spots in Kaliurang. The most famous of the natural attractions in Sleman Kaliurang is the view point of Mount Merapi. In this viewing post you can see the peak of Mount Merapi that puffs up smoke using the help of binoculars. Other tourist attractions in Kaliurang are Plawangan Turgo Tourist Park, Tlogo Putri, Goa Japan, Children Playground, Kaliadem Tour and Tlogomuncar Waterfall.

  • Museum of Mount Merapi

Did you know that Mount Merapi in Yogyakarta is very special? Mount Merapi is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia. It invites scientists from various countries to study the activities of Mount Merapi. Moreover Mount Merapi has a type of eruption in the form of hot clouds glide or often referred to as Wedhus Gembel or Piroclatus. Therefore Pemerntah build a museum dedicated as a vehicle for education about volcanic disaster, earthquake and other natural disasters. This museum is called Museum of Mount Merapi which is located not far from Kaliurang Tourist Area. The complete address of Mount Merapi Museum is at Boyong Street, Banteng Village, Hargobinangun Village, Pakem Sub-district, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. Mount Merapi Museum building area is about 4.470 m2 standing on a land area of ​​3.5 hectares. Inside the Museum of Mount Merapi there are several rooms that are made based on specific themes such as Volcano World, On The Merapi Volcano Trail, Man and Volcano, Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster, Land Movement Disaster, Diorama, Survey Equipment, Extra-terrestrial Volcano, Film Show etc. Interesting right ?

  • Mini Museum Time Hartaku

In 2010 or precisely in October - November 2010 Mount Merapi experienced a very powerful eruption. At that time a lot of people who had to flee because their village was destroyed by the lava of Mount Merapi. The Merapi Key Interpreter Mbah Maridjan was also killed in the eruption of Mount Merapi in 2010 because he refused to be evacuated to a safer place. One of the villages destroyed by the eruption of Mount Merapi is Dusun Petung Desa Kepuharjo Kecamatan Cangkringan Sleman Yogyakarta. In the hamlet there is a ruah belonging to Mr. Riyanto whose condition has been destroyed. Knowing the house and its contents have been destroyed, Mr. Riyanto did not throw it away but told his son, Widodo to collect the remaining items. The items that are still left this condition is also not known because it was hit by hot lava Merapi. But that is precisely what makes these items unique and has high historical value. Mr. Riyanto's house was later used as a Hartaku Time Mini Museum which contained all the remaining Merapi volcanoes, such as cow bone, dishware, spoons, bottles of melt and motorcycles that remained in their iron frame. This museum is now one of the interesting tourist attractions in Sleman District because many are curious how the effects of the eruption of Mount Merapi is terrible.

  • Lava Tour Merapi

The eruption of Mount Merapi in 2010 that issued a lot of lava and meluluh lantakkan some villages on the slopes of Mount Merapi must cause deep sorrow for the people around Merapi. From the eruption it then raises lava fields around Mount Merapi. It then raises the idea to create a tour for tourists who want to see the former eruption of Mount Merapi around Sleman regency. This tour is commonly called the Lava Tour Merapi which in the journey using Jeep vehicles as there are many in Mount Bromo. The choice of Jeep vehicles because in addition to a tough vehicle also raises its own sensation for the rider. There are many service providers of this Merapi Lava Tour, you can choose one of the best diantranya. One route that will be passed in this Lava Tour Merapi journey is Kaliurang - Tangkisan Village - Past the mass grave, Tugu Ambruk Merapi coffee shop - Gumuk Ball - Village Tour petung, Mini Museum Time my property - Towards Village jambu Baru Fajah or Batu alien dan Seeing the Kali gendol from above, trekking through Soga Forest to Kali adem- benger adem - Stopping at Mbah Maridjan village - Crossing Gendol River - Singgah At Mbah Maridjan tomb, Playing Water in Yellow River.

  • Monument of Jogja Return

Sleman Tour Monument Jogja Kembali is often abbreviated as Monjali, is a monument to the struggle of the Indonesian People in Expelling the Dutch colonists who at that time occupied the city of Yogyakarta. Maybe you wonder why we put Jogja Kembali Monument in the list of places Tour in Sleman. Yes, because although Monjali is very close to Yogyakarta City, the fact is administratively still in Sleman Regency. Address Monument Jogja Kembali Yogyakarta is at North Ring Road, Jongkang, Sariharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman Regency Yogyakarta. This monument is named as Jogja Kembali Monument since it was built as a reminder of the event of withdrawal of Dutch occupation troops from Yogyakarta City which at that time was made as the capital of the Republic of Indonesia on June 29, 1949.

  • Affandi Museum

Ever heard of Affandi's name? Certainly never dong. Affandi is a painting maestro from Yogyakarta that has been famous in Indonesia. Tourism Affandi Museum is used as a place to store the works of his paintings and also some personal objects ever used by Affandi. Currently Affandi Museum is also used as a great art to train children's talent of painting. To find this Affandi Museum is not difficult because the location is on the edge of Jalan Solo west of Sungai Gajah Wong. Affandi Museum is perfect if you visit if you have an interest in painting and want to know what the work of the legend Affandi painting. In addition Affandi Museum can also be used as an educational tour for your sons and daughters and can introduce it with painting art.

  • Mandala Aerospace Museum

Tourism Sleman in the form of this museum has the full name of TNI AU Center Museum "Dirgantara Mandala". The Mandala Aerospace Museum was originally located at Jalan Tanah Abang Bukit, Jakarta, but was later transferred to Yogyakarta on July 29, 197. The Mandala Museum of Aeronautics was built to immortalize various historical performances within the Indonesian Air Force. Inside the Museum Dirgantara Mandala stored various fighter aircraft ever owned by TNI AU fiber photos and diorama some figures in the history of the Indonesian Air Force. Dirgantara Mandala Museum is an educational tourist attraction in Yogyakarta that attracts many people, especially children of kindergarten and elementary school age. At this location parents can introduce about the history of the Air Force in Indonesia with fun because most kids love to see the plane. If you are interested in visiting, you can go directly to the Dirgantara Mandala Museum address at Adisucipto Air Base Complex, Jl. Colonel Sugiono, Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55282, Indonesia.

  • Sindu Kusuma Edupark

After previously we discussed about Nature Tour in Sleman, Places of History Tour in Sleman, now we will discuss about Family Places Tour in Sleman. The first Family Place in Sleman is Sindu Kusuma Edupark. Sindu Kusuma Edupark can be said as a new tourist attraction in Yogyakarta and in Sleman. Sindu Kusuma Edupark Sleman District presents a variety of rides game that is very interesting to try. Tour in the form of a game like this can add its own color in Yogyakarta after previously there are also similar tours such as Kids Fun. Manager Sindu Kusuma Edupark is not a new player in the field of tourism, because previously manager Sindu Kusuma Edupark already first successful build Kusuma Agrowisata in Malang East Java. In Sindu Kusuma Edupark you can enjoy various games such as Giant Bianglala, Mini Train, Boom boom car, Trampoline, Flying Chair, UFO Bicycle, ATV etc. One of the become andala in Sindu Kusuma Edupark is a giant Bianglala that if you ride it you can see the view of Yogyakarta from above the height. Address Sindu Kusuma Edupark is on Jalan Jambon, Sinduadi, Mlati, Sleman District, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia

  • Jogja Bay Adventure Pirates Waterpark

One more Family Tour in Yogyakarta is on the rise namely Jogja Bay Adventure Pirates Waterpark or often referred to as Jogja Bay. Jogja Bay Adventure Pirates Waterpark is the largest waterpark in Indonesia. Can not imagine not how the excitement in it. In Jogja Bay you can enjoy various kinds of water games such as swimming pool, prosotan, lighthouse, pirate ship etc. The rides that must have attracted attention are the How to survive in tsunami and earthquake rides. Here you can feel a sensation like when the tsunami struck. And most importantly you can learn thighs in these conditions. Jogja Bay Adventure Pirates Waterpark is located at Jalan Maguwoharjo Stadium, Depok, Sleman District, Yogyakarta Special Region 55281, Indonesia.

  • Brisk Sleman Cliff

In Sleman District there is a cliff that formed from the lava sediment of ancient volcano thousands of years ago. This cliff forms a unique landscape. Unfortunately the existence of this cliff is threatened because there are uncontrolled mining activities. To save this cliff then this Breksi cliffs serve as a tourist location. Recent Sleman Tour of Breksi cliffs has been inaugurated on 21-22 May 2016. Breksi Cliff is one of nine geo-heritage that is determined through the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). So Breksi Cliffs in Sleman is a new tourist attraction in Sleman Yogyakarta. This Bremah Sleman Cliff Address is in Groyokan Hamlet, Sambirejo Village, Prambanan Sub-district, Sleman Regency, DIY

So it was information about 15 Tourist Places in Sleman Yogyakarta the Most Visited Tourist by Visitors. Sleman District as part of the Province of Yogyakarta Special Region save a variety of places wsiata very dear if passed. Therefore, when visiting Yogyakarta do not forget to stop by and visit the various Sleman Tour we described above.

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