Friday 25 August 2017

Locations in Sragen You Must Visit

Locations in Sragen you must visit
Sragen regency is one of the regencies in Central Java Province. Sragen regency is located 30 km east of Surakarta. The regency is bordered by Grobogan Regency in the North, East Java Regency of Ngawi in the east, Karanganyar regency in the south and Boyolali regency in the west. Sragen regency has the nickname Bumi Sukowati, because the name Sukowati used during the reign of the Kingdom of Surakarta. Sragen regency has considerable tourism potential, one of which is very famous is prehistoric site in Sangiran Village. In the village of Sangiran is then set up a museum to accommodate a variety of prehistoric objects found around the site. Here are 10 Tourist Places in Sragen That Need To Be Visited more:

Locations in Sragen you must visit

1. Bayanan Hot Water Bath

Bayanan Hot Water Bathing is a tourist attraction in Sragen located at 17 km southeast of Sragen city or its full address at Bayanan hamlet, Jambeyan village, Sambirejo district, Sragen regency, Central Java. This tour has the charm of hot water baths believed to be around to cure various diseases such as rheumatism, itching, and other diseases. In addition, hot water at Bayanan Baths is also believed to lower cholesterol levels in the blood, restore body fitness, increase body vitality, maintain freshness of joints and muscles, eliminate tired, and make ageless. Therefore many people who berdatanagn to bathe in this hot water bath.

2. Ganesha Technopark

Ganesha Technopark is located at Jl. Dr. Sutomo no. 5 Sragen, Central Java, Indonesia. Ganesha Technopark is a government project aimed at facilitating access to research institutions, professors and graduating students to form R & D projects and other profit sharing-based projects. In addition to the technopark concept, there are also BLKs that aim to establish and implement R & D, training, developing, independence and cooperation to improve skills, labor, products and services that have value and value added for the government and Sragen society.

3. Sangiran Prehistoric Museum

Sangiran Prehistory Museum is located at Ds. Krikilan Kalijambe, Sragen, Central Java, Indonesia. In Sangiran this is the location of ancient human fossil discovery Meganthropus palaeojavanicus by Von Koenigswald. From this discovery is then found many different types of fossils in the area. To date there have been more than 13,685 fossils in Sangiran. Sangiran area has now been designated as World Heritage List by UNESCO. Therefore Sangiran Prehistory Museum is very suitable to serve as an educational tourist spot for students, especially to study the history of human civilization. Currently Sangiran tourist attractions are mostly visited by prehistoric researchers who want to see first hand the discovery of fossils around Sangiran.

4. Taman Dayu (Dayu Park / Taman Dayu Alam Asri)

Taman Dayu Alam Asri is a family tourism place in Sragen regency located in Dayu Village, Sragen Subdistrict or about 20 km from Solo City to the east. Area Park Dayu Alam Asri area of ​​about 5 ha that there are various amusement rides and games that are perfect for family holidays. Various facilities are provided at Taman Dayu Alam Asri such as mini zoo, play rides and agility, agro tourism, resort, meeting hall, gazebo, swimming pool complete with glide arena, restaurant, and so on.

5. Kedung Ombo Dam

Kedung Ombo Dam is a giant dam located on the border of 3 regencies, namely Sragen regency, Boyolali and Grobogan regency. The existence of Kedung Ombo Dam is very vital for development in Indonesia. In this reservoir is built power plant so it can provide electricity for the community. In addition, water coming out of the reservoir can be used to irrigate rice fields in Semarang, Demak, Kudus, Pati, Blora, Grobogan, Jepara, Boyolali and Sragen regencies. Besides used for irrigation and power plant, Kedung Ombo Reservoir is a very potential tourism area. In Kedung Ombo Dam visitors can ride a motor boat and around the reservoir and can enjoy a variety of food menu serving freshwater fish. In addition Kedung Ombo Reservoir is also very suitable for fishing for those of you who like fishing freshwater fish.

6. Mount Kemukus

Mount Kemukus in Sragen regency is a religious tourism located in Pendem Village, Sumberlawang District, Sragen Regency, Central Java. Geographically, the object of Mount Kemukus is located about ± 29 km to the north of Solo. This tourist spot is a tomb of Prince Samudro who trusted the surrounding community if the pilgrimage to the tomb can bring sustenance abundant. But there is a negative story from the tomb on Mount Kemukus is, that is to pray that was prayed then the pilgrims are required to have sex with women / men who are not legitimate partner. Sehigga in its development this place is made a sordid complex for the citizens and the pilgrims who come. Sragen regency government has been working hard to reduce this illegal practice through various socialization conducted through Tourism Department, but still there are people who believe with the belief.

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